Lakes Entrance: The town jetties are producing nice Mullet and Trevally on white and blue bait. Eastern Beach, Main Beach and Lake Bunga has Salmon on silver lures, pilchards and poppers. Offshore at Six Mile Reef for Rubber Lipped and Jackass Morwong taking pilchard and squid.
Lake Tyers: Around the Islands on the incoming tide for Bream taking lures and prawn. Also at Long Point and Mill Point, Bream are taking sandworm and prawn. Try the beach for Salmon with best results on pilchard and lures
Mitchell River: From Shadoff Lodge, Grassy Banks and down to the Two Bells for Bream on prawn and sandworm. The Highway Bridge for Perch taking plastics and hard bodied lures. Lindenow has nice Trout on earth worm.
Tambo River: Late afternoon for best results. Bream are at the Lucerne Paddock and the river mouth. Bait of choice being fresh shrimp.
Nicholson: Pear Tree, The Cliffs and towards the mouth for Bream on prawn and worm.
Metung: Town Jetties and The Boardwalk for Bream and Mullet taking sandworm and prawn.
Paynesville: The Strait, Newlands Arm and Backwater for Bream on prawn. At the Channel mouth for Bream as well. Some Tailor in the Lake, trolling with lures. Whiting are cruising about taking pippis, mussels and worm.
Hollands Landing: Around the edges in Tom’s Creek bag limits have been achieved, nice Bream on peeled prawn. At the point of Hollands Landing is best spot for Mullet and Bream.
Marlo: The Snowy River Bridge for Bream and Perch on prawn and worm. All structures are also good for Perch and Bream. The Brodribb is also fishing well. Salmon and Tailor on the incoming tide at the entrance. Bait to use is lures. Surf for Salmon and Tailor on pilchard and poppers. Offshore for Gummies and Flathead using squid and pilchard.
Tamboon Inlet: Peachtree Creek, Fisherman’s Landing and up to Gibbs Creek for Bream on prawn. Try surf for Salmon.
Bemm River: Bream are on the move upstream. Beat bait worm and prawn. Surf for Salmon on pilchard and poppers.
Mallacoota: The main wharf has plenty of crabs. Cape Horn and up to Gipsy Point for Bream and Flathead taking prawn, yabbies and worm.
Omeo High Country: The Mitta Mitta at Anglers Rest are producing nice Brown Trout, best bait being earth worm, metal lures, silver and golden wonder wobblers.
Fishing report brought to you courtesy of the Lakes Entrance Visitor Information Centre.