Lakes Entrance: All town jetties for a mixed bag of Mullet, Trevally and the odd Tailor. Eastern Beach for good size Salmon, best results on pilchard, blue bait and silver lures. Off shore, six mile reef for Pinkies, Morwong and Elvis has returned (Leather Jacket) on squid and pilchards
Lake Tyers: Still some black water coming down, fishing is patchy but on the incoming tide around the back of Mud Island for Bream and Tailor with best results using glassies and moving lures.
Mitchell River: Grassy Banks and The Bluff heading towards the mouth for Bream on worm and vibes. Mullet around the Old Butter Factory, with Perch in the Back water on green plastics.
Tambo River: Fishing has been a bit quiet but try Johnsonville boat ramp and towards river mouth in late afternoon with worm as preferred bait.
Nicholson: Railway and Highway Bridge for sized Bream, bait of choice being worm and prawn, also try the tyres.
Metung: Box’s Creek and around the mouth of Chinaman’s for Bream, Pinkies and Mullet, best bait sandworm and peeled prawn.
Paynesville: McMillan’s Strait & Newlands Arm for Bream and Mullet. Try the lake for Tailor, best baits are worm, prawn and lures.
Hollands Landing: Wood Pile, Bull Bay and Griffin Point for Bream and Mullet taking prawn and worm.
Marlo: Bream are in the rivers and Lake Corringle. Perch in The Snowy and Brodribb Rivers taking all baits. Salmon and Tailor on the surf taking blue bait, pilchard and poppers. Off shore for Gummies and Flatties, bait of choice squid and pilchards.
Tamboon Inlet: Some Bream are about in the Lake taking worm and prawn. Old Man Point and down to Shallow Lagoon for Bream and the odd Flatties. Surf for Salmon on pilchard and poppers.
Bemm River: Bream are in the main lake, bait of choice is Sandworm. Surf Beach for Salmon, bait of choice being pilchard and poppers.
Mallacoota: Plenty of Salmon on the surf taking poppers and pilchards. Top and Bottom Lakes are quiet “But” Genoa and Wallagaraugh Rivers for plenty of Bream, best baits are prawn, lures and yabbies. The Bull ring is also worth a try for Bream.
Omeo High Country: It is now a “closed season” until 1st Saturday in September, 2015.
Fishing report brought to you courtesy of the Lakes Entrance Visitor Information Centre.