Lakes Entrance: Plenty of Tailor, Trevally and Mullet are around the town jetties late afternoon. Bait of choice being worm. Surf beaches are a bit quiet, but the on the left hand side of the Bluff at Lakes Tyers Beach for good sized Salmon. Off shore at Six Mile Reef, Pinkies, Rubber Lip Murwong and Leather Jackets have returned. Best bait is pilchard and squid.
Lake Tyers: Producing a mixed bag of fish. Flathead are about the Fisherman’s Arm taking lures as bait of choice. Bream are around the islands, taking live prawn. Whiting is also about the channel markers taking worm.
Mitchell River: From the Butter Factory, down to the cut and two bells for Bream taking crab, plastics, worm and prawn. Try backwaters for Perch and Mullet at highway bridge.
Tambo River: The boat ramp and the river mouth are still best spots for Bream. Best bait is fresh shrimp and prawn. Try Marshall Flat’s and Rough Road.
Nicholson: Pear Tree, the little cliffs and down to Thumb Point for spots for Bream on prawn and try soft plastics.
Metung: Bream are about the little jetty at Shaving Point taking prawn and sandworm. Chinamen’s Creek and the boardwalk also have Bream. Bait of choice being prawn and worm.
Paynesville: The Yacht Club Wharf and Fisherman’s Wharf have Bream on prawn. Flathead around in the shallows taking prawn and some school prawn. Ocean Grange for “Gummies” and Seven Gilled Shark, taking squid and fish fillets, best results at night.
Hollands Landing: McLennan Straits are producing good size Bream around 38-39 cm mark. Best bait being prawn and worm.
Marlo: Luderick and Mullet are about taking worm. The Snowy and all rivers have Perch, taking prawn and worm. Bream are taking crab, prawn and worm. The surf has Salmon and Tailor taking poppers and pilchard. Off shore, has Flathead and “Gummies” on pilchard and squid.
Tamboon Inlet: Pelican Point, Old Man Point and down to the Shallow Lagoon for Bream. Flathead in the shallow areas taking prawn and soft plastic. Try surf for Salmon and Tailor on poppers and pilchard.
Bemm River: Fishing is good with a mixed bag of fish available. Bream are about taking worm and peeled prawn. Sand Whiting are taking worm. Flathead are smacking prawn and vibes. Surf for “Gummies” taking squid and fish fillets.
Mallacoota: Surf for Salmon and Tailor taking pilchards, poppers and silver lures. Luderick at Fisheries and main wharf on local weed. Bream and Flathead in Top Lake, taking bass yabbies and prawn. Trevally at main wharf. Offshore, for King Fish with best results using lures.
Omeo High Country: Dr. Mitchell Shield is on this weekend. Entries are at Omeo Angling Club. Mitta Mitta, Angler’s Rest and Bundara are good spots for Trout, bait of choice being earth worm and celta’s. Try drifting worm, no float.
Fishing report brought to you courtesy of the Lakes Entrance Visitor Information Centre.