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Weekly Fishing Report September 3, 2015

Gippsland Lakes Fishing Report

Lakes Entrance: Under the Highway Bridge and heading up the North Arm for a mixed bag of fish. The Footbridge and town jetties have Trevally and Mullet, best bait prawn and blue bait. The surf for Salmon on poppers and pilchard. At the Bar, Pinkies and Morwong on squid and pilchard.

Lake Tyers: Still plenty of fresh water coming down the system. Try Blackfellows Arm, Black Snake Bight and the back of Mud Island for Bream, best results on the incoming tide with glassies and lures.

Mitchell River: From Grassy Banks to the Bluff and Two Bells for Bream taking prawn, cut crab and worm. Mullet and Perch are at the Highway Bridge, taking plastics, lures and worm.

Tambo River: Punthouse Point, Marshall Flats and Three Gums have Bream taking prawn.

Nicholson: Between the Bridges are the best spots for Bream, bait of choice being worm. Fish around the 30cm mark are being caught.

Metung: Bancroft Bay for the boaties have Bream and Trevally on lures and worm. The structures and jetties including Lake King Jetty down to Shaving Point for Bream.

Paynesville: Best places for Mullet is around the slipways, Fisherman’s Wharf, Fort King Boat Ramp and the Straits. Best bait is worm.

Hollands Landing: The mouth of Tom’s Creek, Bull Point and the mouth of the Strait has Bream on prawn and worm.

Marlo: Slips and French’s Narrows for Bream on worm and prawn. Surf beaches for Salmon and Tailor on poppers and pilchard.

Tamboon Inlet: Aeroplane Rocks, Peter’s Rock and down to Shallow Lagoon has Bream on worm and prawn. The surf for Salmon on pilchard and poppers.

Bemm River: Bream are in the main lake, taking worm.

Mallacoota: Plenty of fresh water is coming down. Bream are in the Top Lake, taking prawn. Luderick at the main wharf on local weed. The surf for Salmon on poppers and pilchard.

Omeo High Country: The Trout Season opens this Saturday. So try the Anglers Area, Cobungra, Gibbo, Mitta Mitta and Bundara Rivers. Use bronze wobblers, red flat tail and scrubby worms on a floating line.

Fishing report brought to you courtesy of the Lakes Entrance Visitor Information Centre.

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