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Weekly Fishing Report Mar 17

Lakes Entrance Fishing Report

Lakes Entrance: Good size King George Whiting are biting in Rigby and South Channel, on peeled prawn and sandworm. Other Channels have large Tailor and Flathead striking metal lures and soft plastics. North Arm has plenty of “Gars”, with Mullet around the town jetties.

Lake Tyers: Flathead and “Gars” have been caught around Blackfellows Arm and Mill point, on sandworm and local prawn. Tailor are still active around No.2 Jetty. Bream are cruising between Reedy and Camerons Arm.

Mitchell River: Bream have been taken from Shadoof Lodge to Grassy Banks, using local prawn and “vibes”. The Highway Bridge area is still producing Estuary Perch, on soft plastics and diving lures.

Tambo River: Flathead have been hooked at the mouth of the river, using soft plastics and prawn. Bream can be had between Rough Road and Sardines Flat. Try prawn and shrimp.

Nicholson: A lot of Bream have been undersize, but larger ones are around the jetty and the Railway Bridge. Best bait is peeled prawn and sandworm.

Metung: The Boardwalk has Bream feasting on local prawn. Bancroft Bay has Flathead chasing soft plastics and pilchard.

Paynesville: Local jetties have Bream biting on bread and sandworm. Flathead and Bream are being caught in Newlands and Duck Arm, using local prawn and soft plastics.

Hollands Landing: Toms Creek is providing some good sport, with large Bream taking spider crab and prawn.

Marlo: Some lucky offshore anglers have been hooking into Marlin, whilst fishing for Flathead on pilchard. The Estuary is still fishing well, with Flathead, Bream and Trevally partial to spider crab, prawn and sandworm. Luderick are lurking around the Rock Groynes. The surf has “Gummies” and Bronze Whalers.

Tamboon Inlet: Bream. Mullet and Tailor have been landed around Peach Tree Creek, using fresh prawn and sandworm.

Bemm River: The channel is producing Tailor, Trevally and Flathead, on live prawn and lures. The lakes is good for Bream on peeled prawn.

Mallacoota: Both lakes have Bream, Salmon and Tailor. Best bait is local prawn, yabbies and hard bodied lures. The Wallagaraugh River has Estuary Perch to 40cm. The Narrows are good for Flathead and Bream.

Omeo High Country: Recent rain has improved the rivers, with Trout biting in the Livingstone and Mitta Mitta, on crickets.

Fishing report brought to you courtesy of the Lakes Entrance Visitor Information Centre.


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