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Weekly Fishing Report Feb 25

Lakes Entrance Fishing Report

Lakes Entrance: King George Whiting and Yellowtail Kingfish have been landed around Nungurner on pippi and local prawn. The Channels around Fraser Island are producing Salmon, King George Whiting and some large Leatherjacket. The town jetties are good for Trevally and the “odd” Luderick.

Lake Tyers: Plenty of large Tailor are active from No.2 Jetty to the beach. Metal lures and peeled prawn are taking fish. Flathead are biting after 5pm around the channel markers, using soft plastics and prawn. Bream have been caught from Trident to Camerons Arm on peeled prawn.

Mitchell River: Fishing between Shadoof Lodge and The Bluff has resulted in good catches of Bream. Spider crab and prawn accounted for most fish. The Highway Bridge has Estuary Perch striking hard bodied green lures.

Tambo River: Bream fishing is still good between Reynolds Road and the mouth. Prawn and sandworm are catching fish.

Nicholson: Anglers are taking Bream from the jetty platform to the Railway Bridge. Local prawn is best bait.

Metung: The town jetties are producing King George Whiting and Bream, using pippi, prawn and soft plastics.

Paynesville: Schools of Bream have been under town jetties and biting on bread and sandworm. Flathead are in Newlands Arm, with soft plastics taking most fish.

Hollands Landing: The Strait around Medusa Point has Flathead and Bream partial to whitebait, prawn and pilchard.

Marlo: Bream, Flathead and Luderick are cruising around the Estuary, with best bait being pippi, sandworm, spider crab and prawn. Both rivers have Estuary Perch feeding on live prawn and shrimp. The surf is holding plenty of Tailor and Salmon.

Tamboon Inlet: Anglers are “bagging out” on Flathead around Mud Point, using soft plastics and prawn.

Bemm River: The channel has good size Flathead and Tailor striking soft plastics and hard bodied lures. The lake has Bream and Trevally, feasting on prawn and sandworm.

Mallacoota: A recent Bream Comp. saw plenty of fish caught in both Lakes. Only lures were used, so fish could be released. Luderick are around the wharf. The Narrows has Tailor and Flathead, taking live bait.

Omeo High Country: The Gibbo and Mitta Mitta Rivers are providing good sport, with Trout biting on “hoppers” and worm.

Fishing report brought to you courtesy of the Lakes Entrance Visitor Information Centre.


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