lakes entrance beaches

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Weekly Fishing Report

Lakes Entrance Fishing Report

Lakes Entrance: Try the Footbridge for Trevally and Kingfish using pilchard for best results. Flathead are on the sand flats just past the Surf Club heading towards the Entrance taking soft plastics. Whiting are around Fraser Island taking pipi and peeled prawn. Offshore at Six Mile Reef and the “pipeline” for “Pinkies” and Flathead with “Gummies” closer to shore.

Lake Tyers: Flathead are around the shallow sand flats biting on soft plastics. Bream are around the Glass House and at the entrance to Blackfellows Arm taking prawn and hard body lures. Also try Cameron’s And Trident Arms as well.

Mitchell River: The backwater is the best spot for Bream using earth worm as preferred bait. Theriver is still very dirty but down the Silt Jetty Road and heading down to the river mouth for Bream biting on prawn, give earth worms are a try as well.

Tambo River: Best spot for Bream at the moment is down Reynolds Road and down to the “snags” and Tambo light as river is still dirty. Best baits are prawn, soft plastics and worm.

Nicholson: From the boat ramp and down to the river mouth is the best for Bream with worm, soft plastics and prawn. Also give the soft plastics a try as well.

Metung: Bream have been active from the Boardwalk and up to the town jetties. Best results using prawn as preferred bait.

Paynesville: Bream are out and about the Straits taking prawn. Flathead are still at Sunset Cove taking prawn. Tailor and Kingfish are actively taking lures for best results.

Hollands Landing: Plover Point at the Entrance of the Strait for Bream, Mullet and Flathead with best results using worm. The Straits is also a good spot to try as well.

Marlo: Surf for Salmon taking pilchard and poppers. Offshore for a good variety of fish. The sand flats are producing big Flathead taking soft plastics. Some Bream are about taking prawn.

Bemm River: The Channel is producing good Flathead using soft plastics and surface lures. The lake is best for Bream with local prawn, sand worm and hard body lures. There are plenty of prawns throughout the lake system. The entrance is closed.

Tamboon Inlet: Bream are up at the river mouth taking prawn. For Flathead the best spot is at Pelican Point with best results using blue bait and soft plastics.

Mallacoota: There are a good variety of fish to be caught. Bream, Trevally, Flathead and some Luderick. Salmon on the surf taking pilchard and poppers. For best results use prawn, soft plastics, hard body lures and local prawn.

Omeo High Country: The water in the rivers are a bit dirty. Some Perch are about using worm for best results. Still needing a good drop of rain to freshen up the rivers.


For Crabbing information, please visit our Crabbing in Lakes Entrance page here. There is info on where to go Crabbing, how to setup your Crabbing Net and the do's and dont's of Crabbing.

Fishing report brought to you courtesy of the Lakes Entrance Visitor Information Centre.


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See Dolphins, Seals, Pelicans and more by taking a Cruise on the Gippsland Lakes. Cruise boats available departing from Lakes Entrance daily.

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